Jan 7, 2016 10:22:20 PM

Best Places to Work by Glassdoor


Here it is folks, the Top 50 Best Places to Work according to Glassdoor.  Airbnb has received a lot of news lately, and not exactly the most favorable news.  With renters trashing condos, and controversial advertising messages, initially to see them at the top was a bit of a surprise.  However, it goes to show that you can STILL have great company culture and STILL be a great place to work.

Another interesting point is that there are two solar companies that made it on this list for having great company culture.  Solar City is quickly becoming a household name, if not already being one.  Great to see them here and eager to see if they can move up from the 50 spot.

Want to find out how your company culture is doing? Go ahead and find out your Quality of Work Life Index with VibeCatch.  

Now, on to the list:

Vibecatch_top50infographic-01Maybe someday your company will be on this list of the Best Places to Work! If you want to know where the possible pain points are right now and what you should fix first give your employees the chance to give anonymous feedback with VibeCatch. Book a demo to see how it works here.

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best places to work company culture Quality of Work Life VibeCatch employee engagement

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Posted by vibeblogger

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