Feb 27, 2023 11:04:31 AM
Heat Map

Our employee engagement and wellbeing solutions are designed to empower leaders, managers and employees to measure, analyze and improve on their workplace performance. To be able to do all that, we pay special attention to our customer needs and listen to their feedback to constantly deliver the best possible solutions.

We want to make sure that our customers use our products at their full potential. Therefore, we decided to create a series of monthly posts where we dive deeper into some of the most used features and also some functionality our clients might have missed from our products.

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HR Tech Pulse Polls HR platform QWL Polls 360 Feedback Polls HR Management

Feb 7, 2023 2:18:00 PM
2023 HR Management Ins and Outs

Any forward-thinking organization knows that investing in people is one of the best ways to grow a business.

This is why HR Management is a fast-evolving space and the demands for HR professionals constantly change.

In fact, there are always new changes, trends and ideas to look out for every year.

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HR Tech Pulse Polls HR platform QWL Polls 360 Feedback Polls HR Management

Jan 24, 2023 8:18:00 AM
Semantic Analysis

Our employee engagement and wellbeing solutions are designed to empower leaders, managers and employees to measure, analyze and improve on their workplace performance. To be able to do all that, we pay special attention to our customer needs and listen to their feedback to constantly deliver the best possible solutions.

We want to make sure that our customers use our products at their full potential. Therefore, we decided to create a series of monthly posts where we dive deeper into some of the most used features and also some functionality our clients might have missed from our products.

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HR Tech VibeCatch QWL Polls 360 Feedback Polls QWL Features

Dec 8, 2022 10:15:00 AM
Managing your organization’s VibeCatch access

Our employee engagement and wellbeing solutions are designed to empower leaders, managers and employees to measure, analyze and improve on their workplace performance. To be able to do all that, we pay special attention to our customer needs and listen to their feedback to constantly deliver the best possible solutions.

We want to make sure that our customers use our products at their full potential. Therefore, we decided to create a series of monthly posts where we dive deeper into some of the most used features and also some functionality our clients might have missed from our products.

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HR Tech VibeCatch QWL Polls 360 Feedback Polls QWL Features

Oct 24, 2022 10:45:00 AM
Individual-level risk analysis in QWL report

Our employee engagement and wellbeing solutions are designed to empower leaders, managers and employees to measure, analyse and improve on their workplace performance. To be able to do all that, we pay special attention to our customer needs and listen to their feedback to constantly deliver the best possible solutions.

We want to make sure that our customers use our products at their full potential. Therefore, we decided to create a series of monthly posts where we dive deeper into some of the most used features and also some functionality our clients might have missed from our products.

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HR Tech Pulse Polls QWL Polls 360 Feedback Polls measuring engagement QWL Features

Sep 28, 2022 1:45:00 PM
Creating and sharing aggregate reports with virtual/combined teams

Our employee engagement and wellbeing solutions are designed to empower leaders, managers and employees to measure, analyze and improve on their workplace performance. To be able to do all that, we pay special attention to our customer needs and listen to their feedback to constantly deliver the best possible solutions.

We want to make sure that our customers use our products at their full potential. Therefore, we decided to create a series of monthly posts where we dive deeper into some of the most used features and also some functionality our clients might have missed from our products.

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HR Tech Pulse Polls QWL Polls 360 Feedback Polls positive work environment measuring engagement QWL Features

Aug 17, 2021 9:05:54 PM
5 Ways Employee Surveys Can Help Retain Workers

Every business wants to keep informed to make smarter decisions.

For instance, you conduct customer surveys to learn more about their preferences, challenges, pain points and feelings. These surveys play a vital role in helping to understand customers so you can communicate effectively with your target audiences and build meaningful relationships with them.

But what about your internal customers? Your colleagues, team members and staff? 

Employee surveys allow you to gather their feedback, opinions and areas of concern too. Through these surveys, you can better understand the needs of your people and learn what motivates them at work. These insights can help you improve employee retention rates.

Here's how.

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Employee Retention Employee Surveys HR HR metrics HR Tech QWL work culture employee engagement

Jul 27, 2021 8:15:00 AM
Who is responsible for employee engagement in an organisation?

You always hear about the importance of employee engagement in driving your business’ success.

Why? Because strong employee engagement boosts staff productivity and helps improve overall performance, in the same way that it fosters loyalty and reduces employee turnover.

But who should take responsibility for employee engagement?

Is the leadership team accountable?
Perhaps it’s the Human Resources (HR) manager?
Or maybe, employee engagement lies solely in the hands of individuals?

When it comes to employee engagement, it’s actually a team effort – everyone has a part to play to achieve great results.

To understand this better, let’s discuss the different responsibilities each member of your company has in driving employee engagement forward.

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Employee Surveys HR HR metrics HR Tech QWL work culture employee engagement Leadership continuous listening Risks

Apr 7, 2020 11:37:43 AM
5 Ways to Support Your Remote Workforce During The COVID-19 Crisis

Isolation and social distancing have become the norm across the whole world over these past few months in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Employee Performance HR HR Tech QWL workplace culture employee engagement Leadership productivity continuous listening covid19 coronavirus

Mar 18, 2020 9:19:19 AM
5 Reasons Why Conducting QWL Pulse Surveys On Your Management Team Is A Must

Behind any successful business is a Management and Leadership team working hard to coordinate departments and achieve goals.

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company culture Employee Performance HR HR Tech QWL workplace culture employee engagement Leadership productivity continuous listening

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