By now, any internet social HR professional should be witnessing first-hand the transition companies are making from old-school annual employee surveys, to frequent pulse polling or in other words, consistent employee engagement. In fact, over the past few years, a clear handful of startups have developed applications and tools to help with this, including us, duh.
While many of us in the industry see this transition as a “why didn’t this happen sooner” type of thing, there are still others that find difficulties adopting a more engaging system of building great company culture. One of the topics that we discuss when helping new clients, has to do with what questions to ask.
When a company is introduced to pulse polling for the first time, they are unsure how to go about asking the right questions. Therefore, Vibecatch has made that part easy too. We’re going to walk you through setting up your first poll with Vibecatch, while you are reading this, just so you can see how easy it is.