Aug 8, 2016 8:43:28 AM

Your First Vibecatch Poll

By now, any internet social HR professional should be witnessing first-hand the transition companies are making from old-school annual employee surveys, to frequent pulse polling or in other words, consistent employee engagement.  In fact, over the past few years, a clear handful of startups have developed applications and tools to help with this, including us, duh.

While many of us in the industry see this transition as a “why didn’t this happen sooner” type of thing, there are still others that find difficulties adopting a more engaging system of building great company culture.  One of the topics that we discuss when helping new clients, has to do with what questions to ask.  

When a company is introduced to pulse polling for the first time, they are unsure how to go about asking the right questions.  Therefore, Vibecatch has made that part easy too.  We’re going to walk you through setting up your first poll with Vibecatch, while you are reading this, just so you can see how easy it is.


First off, if you haven’t yet, let's get your account up and running. Best way to do this is to reach out to us and one of our customer success managers is happy to help you through the process. Once this is done and you have selected the audience for your first poll, you are ready to rock!

So let’s create your first poll!

  1. Log into your dashboard (after you have created your premium trial account)
  2. Bottom left corner, click “Add New Poll”
  3. Type in a name, for example, “My First Poll,” then click the top green button that says, “Create a Normal Poll.”

Now you’re in the poll creation section of our application!  Let’s customize it.  You’ll notice that we have a placeholder question in there.  You can keep it, delete it, or create a new one.  However, if you don’t know what sort of questions to ask, just use our ready-made questions that are proven questions and statements to help you get data on whatever you are specifically trying to measure.

Click the green button that says, “Add Question.”

Here you will notice that we have ready-made questions for measuring

  1. Job Satisfaction
  2. Managers
  3. Teams
  4. Personal Development
  5. Compensations
  6. Engagement
  7. Strategy & Leadership

Depending on what you want to measure, choose an option from the selection in the drop-down menu and your poll will auto-populate with those questions so that you don’t have to worry about it.

Now, let’s choose recipients:

Click the green button that says “Add Recipients.”

  1. Copy and paste emails here.  These emails could be your “All Staff” email, or a specific list.  Don’t worry, once you copy and paste your emails here, they stay here.  You won’t have to do this again unless you create a brand new poll.

Almost done!

Now choose your delivery times.  You can choose to have your poll sent to your team any day of the week, and any time of the day.  We highly recommend only sending polls during office hours, to prevent your team members from answering emails when they aren’t at the office or on the clock.

Congrats!  You’re done!

Okay well, maybe not 100% done.  As you can see, you can customize way more, but that’s only if you want to.  The following features on this page are all optional.  However, one of our amazing team members is ready and willing to help!  Our goal is to make employee engagement easy, while also incredibly effective.  

Are you curious to know what the actual results pages look like after your employees actually give you feedback from your polls?  Here are a couple links to our results pages.  

The first link is to an interactive results page for a Normal Poll.  The second link is to an interactive results page for our QWL Index analysis.  The QWL is a much more comprehensive product.  We’ll do another blog post about that soon.  For now, go follow the above instructions and set up your first poll.  Don’t forget to reach out to us with any questions or assistance.

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employee poll employee satisfaction VibeCatch employee engagement

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Posted by Andrew

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