Why Improving Your Corporate Culture Starts with Employee Feedback
Did you know that employee satisfaction really is the lifeblood of your business’ health?
All organisations – both big and small - are very reliant on how well they function from within. The internal processes and the staff who make it work have such an impact on everything from customer service and branding, all the way down to the bottom line. It’s no surprise really, as a ship can’t sail without a crew. But how happy does that crew have to be?
Let’s discuss how corporate culture works and why we want to improve it with employee feedback.
Corporate culture has been a focus for business over the decades, however it has become much more in the spotlight only recently as research has begun to show how much it affects
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company culture
Employee Performance
HR metrics
HR Tech
workplace culture
employee engagement
continuous listening
Podcast - HR Trends with Leadership Labs
What are some of the current and emerging trends in HR?
How to manage the stress levels and avoid burning of employees out, while also keeping up high level of productivity?
Who bares the responsibility for employee's wellbeing: senior management, HR, employees themselves or a combination?
What are some practical things that both senior management and HR practitioners can do right now to close the communication gap?
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Employee Performance
HR metrics
HR Tech
employee engagement
continuous listening
It’s time to prove HR’s impact on business success
Have you noticed that every other department is in full focus, today?
Marketing is setting up leads with fancy content, and the sales team are converting them into profitable long-term clients. Upper Management is running the show, Finance and legal are formulating strategies and the administration team are supporting the whole operation.
What about HR? Well... we’re just doing our thing – seen and never heard. I mean, we’re only responsible for a business’ greatest asset: the staff.
The real problem is, we only have ourselves to blame.
It’s time to re-establish the importance of Human Resources, and here’s how.
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Employee Performance
HR metrics
HR Tech
employee engagement
continuous listening
Agile HR: A transformation still in progress
Agile working methods started life in the world of software development but quickly migrated to other sectors. Companies looking to gain a competitive edge through innovation began adopting the agile project management practices of Silicon Valley. So out went top-down, long-term planning. In came small, cross-functional teams working through short cycles or “sprints” to meet fast-changing customer needs.
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HR metrics
employee engagement
continuous listening
Revealed - The Secrets of Successful People Analytics
The idea that the quality of employees’ working lives has an impact on a company’s bottom line might once have sounded ridiculous. Now that it’s gone mainstream, organisations are collecting more and more data - not only about work life quality, but related issues, including employee wellbeing, engagement and satisfaction.
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employee engagement
Is your company really ready for employee engagement?
Most HR professionals, if asked, would argue employee engagement is important. For HR the goal should always be happy and satisfied employees who do a good job and feel comfortable at work. In reality there seems to be a lack of true commitment to implementation of ongoing employee engagement strategies.
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employee engagement
continuous listening
Leadership, Employee Engagement and Company Performance
Does your company get a good return on all the time and money it invests in leadership development? Despite the millions spent on developing leaders, many employees – maybe most – are disengaged from their work and not giving it their best shot. That’s often the result of poor leadership.
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Quality of Work Life
employee engagement
Employee Engagement and the Secret to Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is hot at the moment as companies look for new business models to see off the rivals disrupting their industries. But a growing body of research shows that most transformation projects are doomed to failure. One recent study found that nine out of 10 digital transformation projects do not live up to expectations.
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employee statisfaction
Quality of Work Life
employee engagement
The Growth Paradox and Employee Satisfaction
As the global economy picks up speed, many companies are coming up against an unexpected problem: their growth strategies are making them less – rather than more - profitable. Companies facing this paradox are typically so focused on controlling costs that their management practices damage employee satisfaction and the quality of employees’ working lives. As a result, stress levels rise, employee engagement falls and the productivity of the people who are meant to deliver increased profitability nosedives.
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employee statisfaction
Quality of Work Life
employee engagement
job satisfaction
On the Future of HR and Employee Engagement Metrics
A while ago, I read a great post about the future of HR by McKinsey & Company. They say that HR in the future should be more strategic, drive business value, measure results, be analytical and accountable for the right metrics. That sounds very familiar and I wanted to share a few experiences and thoughts of my own on this topic.
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Employee Surveys
HR metrics
Quality of Work Life
employee engagement