Feb 12, 2016 6:46:22 AM
Got a Case of Bad Company Culture?

We talk a lot about culture around here, obviously.  We talk about what makes great culture, and where building great culture starts.  We really suggest thinking about culture as early as when you are an individual founder seeking a partner.  One of the biggest reasons why startups fail, often, has to do with their team.  Think about it this way, when you are building a company and the entire company is only made up of five people, when one person is gone, then technically 20% of the company is gone.  When one of your team members doesn’t get along with others, the result is the same.  You lose 20% of your company.  Identifying good culture vs bad culture is so easy especially with smaller teams.  When it’s bad, your productivity drops, efficiency, organization, communication, and more.  Your whole business suffers.

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bad company culture company culture employee feedback how to build company culture VibeCatch employee engagement

Jan 28, 2016 11:14:20 PM
The Most Important Questions for Startups

Hi, we’re VibeCatch.  You may call us, a “startup.”  That’s okay, because we think we are, and we have a message for other startups.  One of the most important things that all startups need to do in order to be successful is to do something called, “Customer Discovery.”  If you go join a startup accelerator, they will beat this into your brain until you start having nightmares about it.  So what is it about customer discovery that makes it so important?  It really starts with asking questions.  

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culture company culture customer discovery questions VibeCatch employee engagement

Jan 14, 2016 9:58:39 PM
What's Happening in HR Tech for 2016?

HR Tech has certainly come a long way.  If you check out Angel List and look up every HR Tech Startup that is listed in their database, you will see almost 200 startups with almost 1,000 investors and 100 different jobs currently being offered.  Since New Year’s Day, there are already four new HR Tech Startups listed.  Most people have no clue that this industry is literally booming right now.  Unless you work in human resources, most people wouldn’t even know that every year, Las Vegas holds a massive conference for HR technology.  In fact, almost 9,000 attendees make it each year, with more than 300 exhibiting companies and over 75 new product announcements. 

So why is this industry booming?  What’s going on right now that wasn’t going on before?  Back in October, HR Dive caught up with some HR professionals who gave us some insights on what what’s happening and what to look for.  

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company culture Employee Polling employee satisfaction Employee Surveys HR HR Tech VibeCatch

Jan 7, 2016 10:22:20 PM
Best Places to Work by Glassdoor


Here it is folks, the Top 50 Best Places to Work according to Glassdoor.  Airbnb has received a lot of news lately, and not exactly the most favorable news.  With renters trashing condos, and controversial advertising messages, initially to see them at the top was a bit of a surprise.  However, it goes to show that you can STILL have great company culture and STILL be a great place to work.

Another interesting point is that there are two solar companies that made it on this list for having great company culture.  Solar City is quickly becoming a household name, if not already being one.  Great to see them here and eager to see if they can move up from the 50 spot.

Want to find out how your company culture is doing? Go ahead and find out your Quality of Work Life Index with VibeCatch.  

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best places to work company culture Quality of Work Life VibeCatch employee engagement

Dec 31, 2015 8:17:26 PM
Resolution of Revolution!

What better way to ring in the new year than to introduce something that will change, I mean, REVOLUTIONIZE the way you get feedback from your team.  It’s our resolution of revolution! After many months of research, development, and testing, we are here to show you a little something we like to call the Quality of Work Life Index.  

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culture Employee Polling employee satisfaction Happy New Year Quality of Work Life QWL Resolution VibeCatch

Dec 24, 2015 9:18:59 PM
What the Holidays Mean for Company Culture

The holidays are a very special time.  One thing that we can all agree on, is that is should be a happy time spent with those who are close to us.  It should be a time when we are able to share memories and laughs with our friends and family.  However, companies that have great culture can also find ways to incorporate the spirit of the holidays in the workplace.

As the year’s end approaches, we can take this opportunity to spread more smiles, and more selfless acts, and close it all out on a great note. Here are a couple things to think about during our final week of 2015.

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company culture employee satisfaction Holidays VibeCatch employee engagement

Dec 22, 2015 8:05:33 PM
14 Quotes about Workplace Culture (Infographic)

What better way to discuss company culture than to see what some of the most influential people have to say?  From Peter Drucker, to Richard Branson, here are 14 great quotes all about workplace culture.  Enjoy!

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company culture infographic inspirational quotes VibeCatch workplace culture

Dec 17, 2015 10:06:53 PM
6 Ways to Hold Efficient Meetings

Meetings.  Yay!

If meetings don’t excite you, well, you aren’t alone.  We all can recall a time that we sat in a meeting that seemed to go on far too long.  You find yourself making awkward faces, holding in those yawns hoping to make it look like you are alert.  Thirty minutes have gone by and yet it feels like a full hour already.  No one wants to be in those meetings.

Let’s talk about some of the most basic steps that you can take to ensure a productive meeting, and one that people actually enjoy.  

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company culture efficient meetings employee satisfaction HR VibeCatch employee engagement

Dec 2, 2015 9:37:30 PM
Not every company culture is the same

First off, it is important to recognize that good company culture will be different within every company.  What works for one company, may not be the solution for another.  No two companies are going to be identical.  No two companies will have the exact same employees with the exact same personality profiles.

However, here are a few things that are remain to be a common denominator for building a foundation for good culture and happy employees.  

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Nov 21, 2015 4:43:11 AM
How the DISC assessment improves productivity

You may have heard of the DISC assessment, and many of you have probably done it.  If not, you probably have at least heard of Myers-Briggs.  Based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, the DISC behavior assessment tool is centered on four behavioral traits:

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behavior company culture disc disc assessment personality VibeCatch

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