company culture employee satisfaction VibeCatch employee engagement
Communication is one of the most complex concepts facing modern man. Within the workplace especially, office politics can be tough. We all want to have a stable, satisfying working life. When things flow smoothly at work, the rest of your life seems like a piece of cake. Conversely, when things are tough in the office, every small issue in your life can cause a big blowup.
For many, it’s the ultimate goal, the ambitious intention, the just out of reach vision. Heading up a high-productivity, low-drama team is everyone’s dream. Of course, working in close quarters for hours on end may eventually precede some conflict. But a well-organized and high-functioning collaboration can weather any storm. Below, four simple strategic initiatives to create a harmonious and highly efficient team environment.
company culture Employee Performance employee satisfaction VibeCatch employee engagement
We’ve all had negative working experiences. Many offices are filled with unhealthy competition, our days peppered with manipulation and deceit in efforts to get ahead. So what makes for a healthy working environment? How do team leaders create positivity and productivity in equal amounts? There is a secret that some of the world’s top leaders know, one word that gets them further than anything else in their careers. Gratitude. Time and time again, studies have shown that it is not happy people who are thankful, but rather thankful people who become happy.
company culture employee incentives VibeCatch employee engagement
The workplace is changing at a fascinating pace. Companies are recognizing more and more that creating a virtual workplace is beneficial both professionally and personally. One US study has stated that as many as 3.7 million employees now work from home.
company culture managing remote teams VibeCatch employee engagement
By now, any internet social HR professional should be witnessing first-hand the transition companies are making from old-school annual employee surveys, to frequent pulse polling or in other words, consistent employee engagement. In fact, over the past few years, a clear handful of startups have developed applications and tools to help with this, including us, duh.
While many of us in the industry see this transition as a “why didn’t this happen sooner” type of thing, there are still others that find difficulties adopting a more engaging system of building great company culture. One of the topics that we discuss when helping new clients, has to do with what questions to ask.
When a company is introduced to pulse polling for the first time, they are unsure how to go about asking the right questions. Therefore, Vibecatch has made that part easy too. We’re going to walk you through setting up your first poll with Vibecatch, while you are reading this, just so you can see how easy it is.
employee poll employee satisfaction VibeCatch employee engagement
One of the most common responses we get when talking to a new prospective client is, “Oh we already do annual surveys,” and this is a big problem. Lucky for us, as we have the solution.
Problems with annual surveys:
Poor communication is definitely one of the top reasons a company can be torn apart. If the quality and the quantity of communication is poor between colleagues, this can have a direct effect on efficiency, productivity, and the bottom line. If there is a lack of communication between leadership and their teams, things can get even worse. Why is communication so important?
A wise person once said to me, that you can only control what you can control. This statement resonates with me, and it should resonate with everyone because it’s pretty much a fact. The sad truth is that things will happen in life that are out of your control. The only thing you can control is how you react and manage it. One of the most difficult things HR professionals (and managers in general) face in the office, is figuring out how to approach tragedies the right way. As we all know, even during the toughest tragedies, work is work, and somehow we need to keep things going.
company culture Tragedy VibeCatch Workplace Tragedy employee engagement
We’re about four full months into the year, and while it doesn’t seem like much, a lot of what you do in the first quarter will set the tone for the rest of the year, especially in regards to company culture. Bad habits pile up quick and before you know it you’re going down that slippery slope of poor company culture, which can increase turnover, create distance between leadership and staff, and potentially hurt the company financially.
Before we get any further into 2016, let’s go through a few things to make sure that you are on the right track. If not, it’s never too late to start, and we’re happy to help. Let's evaluate!
company culture employee feedback employee recognition VibeCatch employee engagement
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